
My music and sounds draw from a constant stream of styles, rhythms, soundscapes, motions inspired by the magnificent greats of our history and cultures from all over the world.

Driven by my neverending appreciation of popular culture and recognition of esthetic values I feel that the best teachers remain to be our cultural influences and nature—they are my true inspirations.

Music and sound affect us directly, even before we know its message.

Sound produces moods: a deep low note can make us feel comfortable, warm, or sad, while a high pitch sound can be alerting, or uplifting and encouraging.

Music paints pictures while the action can be fast, slow, tender, excited. We enjoy this as an immediate emotional experience.

Sound and movement are indispensable criteria for a musical experience. As we are following a musical sound, its movement and action we receive impressions of what the musical piece is telling us as it develops and progresses.

Rhythm, melody, harmony, texture, and form are the elements of musical language: orderly and methodical, sytematic and logical on the one side they can be illogical and chaotic at the same time.

Musical elements, processes, and language feature an unmatched elegance as it showcases a composition. The arrangement of elements and their order can help us explore and understand the emotional side of it.

For example, when we focus on a particular event during listening to music, or a special quality of the sound, or a pattern of the direction that it takes, or the way a musical thought is completed—we experience the emotional influences and intimate dynamics of the music as it develops from a single musical element.

That is when we experience the power of music much the same way as we experience nature.
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